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January Update

Happy new year all; our 2022 syllabus is off and running, and hopefully this year we'll be able to run a full series of events. With that in mind, and due to having had to stop doing the newsletter (for now) we're going to publish a short update on the website each month with what's going on in the club.


Our membership fees are £15 per year and run from January to December; what this means is that subs are now due for 2022. You can pay any Committee Member by Cash/Cheque but our preference is the setting up of a Direct Debit here.

Scotland Trip

Deposits are now due for this event, with the full balance due by the end of January. It's really important in these trying times, for all concerned - the club, the coach company, the hotel - that we can confirm numbers as soon as possible. Therefore please forward payment on to your nearest Committee Member as soon as possible, thanks.


Seeing as we delayed our 2021 AGM, we've decided to defer the 2022 AGM, due in March, to later in the Spring / Summer with the hope of combining with a walk and/or social. Stay tuned.

Finally, please do not attend any events if you are experiencing COVID-like symptoms, or have tested positive and are still within the isolation period.

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